Project. (Wounded Heritage project. Mgmt: Nuria Rodríguez Ortega. iArtHis_LAB Research Group). Available at [17 de February de 2025 16:09]
Antonio Cruces Rodríguez. Universidad de Málaga.
Cruces Rodríguez, A. (02/17/2025). Project. Patrimonio Herido.
Cruces Rodríguez, Antonio. "Project". Patrimonio Herido, iArtHis_LAB Research Group, 02/17/2025,
Cruces Rodríguez, A. (2025) 'Project', Patrimonio Herido, 02/17/2025. Available at: (Accessed: 01/29/2021)
Antonio Cruces Rodríguez, “Project”. Patrimonio Herido. 01/29/2021.
The Vice-Cahncellor’s Office for Teaching and Research Staff of the University of Malaga (UMA) held the call for Educational Innovation Projects 2019-2021 (PIE19, by its Spanish acronym). Once approved and funded by a final resolution in October 30, 2019 (PIE 19-178), the Department of Art History and its research group iArtHis_LAB launched, entitled as “Laboratory of transdisciplinary competences (TransUMA ). Imagining possible futures”, an ambitious plan to set up a permanent teaching laboratory in order to deploy and adequately endow a learning ecosystem model aimed at facilitating transdisciplinary training, understood as the integration of heterogeneous knowledge, making a fertile mixture of action and critical thinking.
Within TransUMA, and in order to develop since 2019-20 academic term a transversal practical activity that will allow students of the Art History and Tourism Degrees of the University of Malaga to work together in favor of the care and socialization of the Spanish wounded heritage, detecting the case studies and proposing improvement actions, Wounded Heritage was born.
Based on a previous -and needed of revitalization- experience (“Heritage wounds”), Wounded Heritage is thought and designed as an application for storage of the knowledge generated by this PIE project and management of its public information, trying to involve professors and students in defense of the common cultural and artistic heritage. To be synthetic, and using the clear words of the laboratory itself [1]…
… the proposal has been materialized as the making of a work oriented to the assessment of a patrimonial asset, of any type, seen as at risk because vandalism, socio-economic pressure, massive touristic, negligence of the owners (whether public or private) or any other circumstance. Due to the situation produced by the health crisis derived from COVID-19, students have only been able to participate through a bibliographic, “webgraphic” and newspaper search, not having a direct contact with the Malaga heritage, through their discovery and complaint in situ, as has been the normal in previous years; although, whenever the casuistry allows it, it is intended to return to these targets, reputed as essential ones.
The project specific targets are as follows.
- Raise awareness of the importance of cultural tourism as a factor for the preservation of heritage.
- Promote cross-disciplinarity between the Art History and Tourism Degrees at the University of Malaga.
- Promote actions allowing the healing of injured cultural heritage.
- Reflecting on and socializing cases of injured cultural heritage at national level.
To achieve them, the actions to be carried out will focus mainly on the following tasks.
- Detection of case studies.
- Hemerographic and “webgraphic” emptying.
- Damage analysis.
- Selection of cases to get a detailed view about.
- Making of a catalog record.
- Proposal for improvement actions.
- Joint discussion sessions.
As a citizen concerned with the preservation of cultural, artistic and historical heritage, if you want to be a part of this project, you can do so in a simple way, being conscious about the fact of your involvement in this matter can be very important to correct the problems that the property in danger of suffering damage may receive. You only need to sign in as a subscriber at this site, and send, using the Participate page, your findings. The research team will review data submitted and will contact to let you know the steps the information you submit will go through successively until its publishing.
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