Research team. (Wounded Heritage project. Mgmt: Nuria Rodríguez Ortega. iArtHis_LAB Research Group). Available at [23 de February de 2025 10:14]
Antonio Cruces Rodríguez. Universidad de Málaga.
Cruces Rodríguez, A. (02/23/2025). Research team. Patrimonio Herido.
Cruces Rodríguez, Antonio. "Research team". Patrimonio Herido, iArtHis_LAB Research Group, 02/23/2025,
Cruces Rodríguez, A. (2025) 'Research team', Patrimonio Herido, 02/23/2025. Available at: (Accessed: 01/30/2021)
Antonio Cruces Rodríguez, “Research team”. Patrimonio Herido. 01/30/2021.
The Wounded Heritage project team is made up of professors being a part of TransUMA team and the TransUMA-Tech Teaching Network of Excellence, coordinated by the Art History Department of the University of Málaga.
Nuria Rodríguez Ortega
Direction • Universidad de Málaga
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Nuria Rodríguez Ortega is Full Professor of Art History and Head of the Art History Department at the University of Malaga where she leads iArtHis_Lab (, a research laboratory focused on the study of Art History and of artistic culture from digital, computational and techno-critical perspectives. Since 2018, she is also the Deputy Director of the Málaga Foundation Picasso Chair. She has also been a member of the Cutting-Edge Technologies in Humanities Chair and of the Videogames, Gamification and Serious Games Chair at the University of Malaga. She is the founder and coordinator of ReArte.Dix, the first International Network for Digital Studies on Artistic Culture. Since 2017, she is the President of the Sociedad Internacional de Humanidades Digitales Hispánicas (HDH). She is a member of the Academia Europaea in the section of Musicology and Art History. From 2007 to 2013, she was Deputy Director of the Malaga Municipal Heritage Museum. |
Paola Arenas Torres
Collaborators • Universidad de Málaga
Juan Antonio Báez González
Collaborators • Universidad de Málaga
Antonio Cruces Rodríguez
Technical staff • Universidad de Málaga
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PhD in Art History by University of Málaga. University expert in Telematics Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Valencia (1998). Master in Telematics and Telecommunication Networks from the University of Malaga (2012). Technical advisor to the Education Department of the Junta de Andalucía (retired). Currently he has a designation as honorary collaborating professor, with venia docendi, in the Art History Department at the University of Malaga. |
María Marcos Cobaleda
Researchers • Universidad de Málaga
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María MARCOS COBALEDA is PhD in Art History from the University of Granada (2010, Extraordinary Doctorate Award). Specialist in Islamic art and architecture during the late Middle Ages, she has developed her teaching and research at the UGR, the University of Almería, the Instituto de Estudos Medievais in the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, the University of Málaga, the Centre de Recherches Historiques (Paris) and the International Foundation IES Abroad Granada. She was granted a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship (MSCA – H2020) at the Instituto de Estudos Medievais. Currently she is Senior Lecturer at the Art History Department of the University of Málaga. Her research focuses on the application of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to Art History. She has developed several research projects about cultural relations and the spread of artistic elements in the Mediterranean framework between the 12th and 15th centuries (highlighting the ArtMedGIS Project: |
Teresa Sauret Guerrero
Researchers • Universidad de Málaga
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Teresa Sauret Guerrero is Full Professor and Chair of Art History at the University of Malaga, (currently as Professor Emeritus). She was director of the Municipal Heritage Museum of Málaga between 2006 and 2013, and she is the author of its museological and museographic projects. She has the art and culture of the 19th century, Iconography, Museology, Heritage and Gender Studies as main lines of research. Since 1991 she has been MR of 6 projects included in the National Research Plan, involving innovation of methodologies for the study of Heritage, particullary Movable one, and deepening of models for territorial identity and Gender studies. She inaugurated studies in Gender and Art History at the University of Málaga as a member of the SEIM, and also the Cultural Management and Curatorial Practices in the Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Art History at the UMA. She has been founder and director of the Museum and Territory Journal (Junta de Andalucía) and evaluator for both the National Agencies (Aneca, Anep, AGAUR) and high-impact national scope academic journals. She is a Full Academician member of the Fine Arts of San Telmo in Málaga and Correspondent of the Fine Arts of San Carlos in Valencia, San Jordi in Barcelona and Our Lady of Angustias in Granada, and Patron of the Fundación Museo Carmen Thyssen Málaga too. |
Iván de la Torre Amerighi
Researchers • Universidad de Sevilla
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PhD and BA in Art History from the University of Sevilla. He has gained the ‘Introduction to Research’ Grant (Centro Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, CSIC, 1999) and the FPDI Grant (University of Sevilla – Junta de Andalucía, 2000–2004). He has served as Associate Lecturer of Art History at the universities of Sevilla, Huelva and, currently, Málaga. His main research lines are the contemporary art in Spain and Andalusia, the interaction between artistic practices and mythological iconographies, the methodologies and problems of art criticism, and exhibition and curatorial techniques and processes. |
Julia García González
Researchers • Universidad de Granada
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PhD in Art History from the University of Granada and archaeologist; “Master in Art History: Knowledge and Guardianship of Historical Heritage” by the University of Granada, “Master in Archeology” by the University of Granada, Master in Teaching by the University of Málaga. She has completed the Second Module of the Master “Architettura e Progetto por the University” of Roma Tre. She currently works as a PhD Assistant Professor in the Department of Art History of the University of Granada teaching in the Bachelor’s degrees in Tourism, in Art History, in the Bachelor’s Degree in Comparative Literatures and in the Bachelor’s Degree in Restoration and Conservation of Cultural Assets. Her main line of research starts from the study of the architectural presence in archaeological sites as an instrument from which to return the archaeological heritage to the community. Since 2017 she has led the Research Project approved by the Ministry of Culture “Archaeological interventions in the Talayotic town of Torre Dén Galmés (Alaior). Systematic study of the constructive processes of Talayotic architecture”. |
Sonia Ríos Moyano
Researchers • Universidad de Málaga
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Profesora Titular de Universidad (2017), Contratado Doctor (diciembre, 2009), Ayudante Doctor (2009), Ayudante (2006), Doctora en Historia del Arte (2004, Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado 2008) con la Tesis Doctoral, La crítica sobre diseño gráfico español en las revistas de arte comercial y publicidad (1900-1970). Graduada en Artes Plásticas (Especialidad Dibujo Publicitario, 1995). Imparte docencia en las Facultades de Filosofía y Letras y Escuela de Ingeniería Industrial. Ha sido docente en el Dottorato Internazionale in Design e Innovazione en la Università degli Studi della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli de Nápoles, Italia (2009-2016). Desde enero de 2001 pertenece al Grupo de Investigación de la Junta de Andalucía HUM-130. Ha realizado estancias de investigación en: Dipartimento di Storia, Archeologia, Geografia, Arte e Spettacolo (SAGAS) Università di Firenze; Cattedra di Storia Moderna, Università di Bologna; Università Tor Vergata entre otras. Especialista en temas de diseño, desde el gráfico al industrial, de los siglos XIX al XXI. Ha participado en numerosos proyectos, cursos, seminarios y congresos con difusión nacional e internacional de sus resultados. Obtuvo el premio “A la innovación, calidad y buenas prácticas docentes”, en el marco del Plan Propio integral de docencia de la Universidad de Málaga. Premio a la mejor docente en la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras en la categoría general (2019). |
Antonio Jesús Santana Guzmán
Researchers • Universidad de Málaga
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PhD (2016) and BA in Art History (2004) from the University of Malaga (UMA), he obtained the Certificate of Pedagogical Aptitude (CAP, 2005) from the Complutense University of Madrid. His main lines of research are: Heritage, Diffusion, Architecture and Urbanism, highlighting in them the enhancement and safeguarding of elements in danger of disappearance. He was a student at the University of Roma Tre, Italy, within the Erasmus Program (2003-2004), at which point he began his contact and collaboration with various transalpine institutions. He enjoyed the National Training Program for University Teachers (FPU, 2005-2009) of the Ministry of Science and Innovation, attached to the Department of Art History of the UMA. Since the 2015 he is a Teaching Fellow and Research Personnel in the Department of Art History of the UMA, where he has taught in the degrees in Art History, History, Geography and Tourism. He is a member of the Spanish National Committee of ICOMOS. |
José Ignacio Mayorga Chamorro
Researchers • Universidad de Málaga
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Ignacio Mayorga holds an International PhD in Advanced Studies in the Humanities (2019. UMA), a Master´s Degree in the Social Development of His main line of research focuses in New Spanish Painting, Ibero-American Art, Visual Culture Studies and Religious Art. He has taught in these areas and made multiple publications, lectures and conference communications on the matter, some of them awarded. |
Miguel Ángel Fuentes Torres
Researchers • Universidad de Málaga
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Degree in Geography and History, specialty History of Art from the University of Malaga. Diploma of Research Sufficiency and Advanced Studies (2001-2003) in BB.AA. and New Technologies by the same University, where he currently develops his doctoral thesis. He is a Technician in The Digitization of the Historical Heritage and in the Management of Projects of Digitization of the Historical Heritage by UNED. He currently develops teaching duties as Acting Substitute Professor in the Department of Art History of the University of Malaga, within the Degrees in Art History, Tourism and Industrial Design and Product Development. Curator of Exhibitions, he is Numerary Scholar of the Royal Academy of Noble Arts of Antequera, where he holds the positions of President of his Art Section and Director of the Permanent Seminary of Artistic Practices and Contemporary Culture. He has coordinated samples related to the dissemination of the Historical-Artistic Heritage. He collaborates with the Museum of the City of Antequera in the realization of different exhibition projects and conferences. |
Modesta Di Paola
Researchers • Universidad de Málaga
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Modesta Di Paola holds a European PhD in Art History, Theory and Criticism from the University of Barcelona (Spain, 2015) and also in European Cultural Studies Internationally from the University of Palermo (Italy, 2016). She was visiting scholar at MIT (Cambridge, MA) and awarded a Fellowship from the Andrew Mellow Foundation to participate in the seminar The Problem of Translation at the Department of Comparative Literature of NYU. She is the author of the book L’arte che traduce-La traduzione visuale nell’opera di Antoni Muntadas (Mimesis, Milan 2017), editor of the books Nous Sommes Ici (We Are Here) (MuCEM, Marseille, France and Glifo Edizioni, Palermo, Italy, 2017), Cosmopolitics and Biopolitics. Ethics and Aesthetics in Contemporary Art (University of Barcelona Press, Barcelona 2018), and Lossy: Toward a Sensory Ecology (Aracne Editore, Roma, 2020). In 2019, she was the Guest-Editor of the monographic volume “Visual Translation in Global Contexts” for the Journal of Global Studies and Contemporary Art (vol. 6, 2019). |
Marc Montijano Cañellas
Researchers • Universidad de Málaga
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PhD in Art History (UMA) and Postgraduate in Cultural Management, with Specialisation in Cultural Project Management (UOC). Member of the research group HUM 862 Estudios en Sociedad, Artes y Gestión Cultural (ESAGEC), University of Jaén (UJA). Member of the Educational Innovation Project (PIE19-178) “TransUMA (laboratorio de competencias transdisciplinares): Imaginando futuros posibles”, University of Málaga. At present, he is Interim Substitute Professor in the Department of Art History at the University of Malaga.The main lines of research that mark his curriculum are performance art, its analysis and history, and the investigation of its ramifications in society, through the concept of performativity; the aesthetics and theory of art today; and the role of new technologies and communication in the development of art and the divulgation of art history. In this profile is his PhD thesis, in addition to the work and publications that he has been doing in various national and international specialized publications. Highlighting the book La performatividad, el laboratorio y el arte (Brumaria, 2021), together with the CU of the University of Jaén, José Luis Anta Félez. In parallel, he has developed an intense artistic work, mainly linked to performance, which has allowed him a global approach to action art, both as a theorist and as a creator. Making numerous artistic projects in leading galleries, museums and art centers. He also directs the Laboratorio de Performance, a space for creation and research on live arts, in Villanueva del Rosario, Malaga. |
José Galisteo Martínez
Researchers • Universidad de Málaga
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José GALISTEO MARTÍNEZ has a degree in Art History from the University of Granada and a Diploma of Advanced Studies and Research Proficiency from the University of Malaga. At present, he is Interim Substitute Professor of the Department of Art History at the University of Malaga and teaches the subject “Cultural Heritage Management” for the Degree in Tourism. His lines of research have been focusing on different historical-cultural aspects of the Modern and Contemporary Age, and Management of Cultural Heritage, mainly. He has collaborated in different national and international exhibition projects, as well as participating as a collaborator in the editing tasks of scientific journals, as well as in the preparation of conference proceedings or correction-editing of exhibition catalogs. Likewise, he has been linked to the municipal delegations of cultural, patrimonial and tourist fields of some local Cordovan entities. He is a member of the Interdisciplinary Group “History of the Province of Córdoba” (HUM-781) of the Junta de Andalucía.
Leticia Crespillo Marí
Researchers • Universidad de Málaga
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Melillense (1986), afincada en Málaga, Graduada en Historia del Arte (2015) y Diplomada en Turismo (2009) por la Universidad de Málaga. Cursó el Máster en Desarrollos Sociales de la Cultura Artística (UMA) durante el año 2015-2016 y el Máster de profesorado de Secundaria, Bachillerato y FP. Línea CC. SS: Geografía e Historia y Filosofía (2018-2019). Actualmente realiza su tesis doctoral titulada Uso, presencia y registro de la luz en los procesos de recepción estética contemporánea: una alternativa de registro catalográfico en realidad virtual para instalaciones y environments lumínicos contemporáneos; Máster en Patrimonio Virtual (Virtualización y Restauración del Patrimonio) de la Universidad de Alicante (2019-2020). Forma parte de varios grupos de investigación dirigidos por la Dra. Nuria Rodríguez Ortega, como investigadora colaboradora y, actualmente, es codirectora de la Revista Iberoamericana, académico-científica y Universitaria de Humanidades, Arte y Cultura Eviterna (ISSN: 2530-6014). Desde febrero de 2019 es Personal Investigador Predoctoral contratado (PIF) en el Departamento de Historia del Arte de la UMA. |
Laura Ferrer Galbán
Researchers • Universidad de Málaga
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Bachelor in Art History by University of Santiago de Compostela, she carried out her academic internship at the Museo de las Peregrinaciones y de Santiago dealing with documentation tasks taken in their iconographic dimension of the Jacobean phenomenon. She has also been part of some projects to highlight the relevance of the cultural and natural heritage linked to the Camino de Santiago within the volunteer teams of the Xunta de Galicia. Interested in cultural dialogue in the Middle Ages on the Iberian Peninsula, this year she is taking the interuniversity Master’s degree “The Medieval Iberian World: Hispania, al-Andalus, Sepharad” offered by the University of Malaga and the Autonomous University of Madrid. She simultaneously enjoys a Collaboration Scholarship granted by the Ministry of Education allowing her to participate in the Wounded Heritage project, developed and maintained by Art History Department of the University of Malaga. |
Mª Lourdes Gutiérrez Carrillo
Researchers • Universidad de Granada
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Degree in Technical Architecture, Art History and PhD from the UGR. Teacher and researcher affiliated to the Dept. Architectural Constructions of the UGR. Member of the research group HUM 806: Andalusia-America: Cultural Heritage and Artistic Relations. Teacher in national and international masters specialized in models of conservation and intervention of Cultural Heritage “Restauro Architettonico e Cultura del Patrimonio” (Universitá degli Studi Roma Tre) “Patrimonio Arquitectónico” ( Cartagena). She has made postdoctoral research stays in international and national centers (Dipartimento di Architettura of the Universitá degli Studi Roma Tre and the Spanish School of History and Archaeology in Rome of the CSIC). Her research work is focused on the study of conservation criteria, restoration and enhancement of Cultural Heritage; Intervention Techniques applied to heritage complexes; Hazards and Preventive Conservation. She has participated in several R&D contracts with companies and/or public administrations. She has been part of several research projects related to the protection and enhancement of cultural heritage, highlighting as IP the PREFORTI project granted by the State Program for Research, Development and Innovation of MINECO. She has participated as a speaker and lecturer in numerous national and international scientific congresses and meetings. Author of several publications of national and international impact in the field of heritage conservation. |